When did I blog last? Too long ago.
I have Jannie's wedding rings ready to take to Hubert Madole to quilt, just as soon as I get the batting. I ordered Warm and Natural from Overstock.com and it is supposed to arrive Monday.

I joined the 3 UFO challenge which ended Agust 31. I completed Jannie's Wedding rings top, a Quilt for Laurie G. and finally quilted my Scotty Dogs (and gave it to Katy).

In addition I made a mini quilt for a swap. machine pieced, hand quilted, my own design. Blocks are 2.25". I sent it to Karen G. and she loves it!

I joine the UFO Challenge again, end date 12-31-2008. This time I'm really ambitious....or maybe a little crazy? I listed as my UFO's quilting my log cabin swap blocks (make into a quilt for Denny for Christmas). the OKC Winter Quilt Show challenge fabric (design, make and enter a quilt this time instead of just buyiong the challenge fabric and not using it!), and get Jamie's graduation quilt done before his December graduation. I promised him a New York Beauty quilt when he graduates college, and started collecting fabrics when he started college seminary 5 years ago. SO this week I pulled out the fabric collected and the Karen Stone NYB pattern book and got started. The first 4 of 36 blocks are done!

Before we started homeschool back up on Sept 2, I did a big push to finish some swaps and lotto blocks I wanted to do just for fun....now my sewing time is a bit more limited.
Ginger is beginning 1st grade this year, a year ahead of her age, but she wants to do it and is not having any problem grasping the concepts, so we are going ahead with it...Math, Reading, and religion. The rest of the kids just picked up where we left off at the beginning of the summer, and the first two weeks have gone pretty good. After we get used to the routine I may add some more activities for the older kids.
Katy started an additional job, and opted to wait to go to college until she can get some money together, and figure out what she wants to study.
Mimi is back at St. Gregory's. They had auditions for the fall production of Neil Simon's "Rumors", and she did not get cast in a role, but has been assigned to be stage manager, which means she has to attend every rehearsal!
Nick and Jackie moved to Virginia, and are getting settled in. I hear Serenity is getting big, but am waiting to see up to date pictures.
And speaking of pictures, Jamie and Annie gave us 2 cd's worth of wedding pictures, which I haven't found time to look at yet, let alone pick some out to share in albums.
The morning and my alone time are almost over and I haven't made it to the sewing machine yet....time to get off the computer!!