So, when Mom moved I was given title to her mobile home which sits on our property, just across the driveway from my house It is now my guest house. However Mom still uses part as she doesn't have room for all of her fabric stash in her new house, since Dad insists that she confine the quilting/sewing stuff to her sewing room (the master bedroom of the house) and her bedroom. SO My guest house came complete with a queen size bed, living room furniture and a fabric stash, which both Mom and I will use. Boxes of stash were/are occupying 2 bedrooms and part the living room. My plan is to get it all organized into one bedroom, the Stash room, with maybe a bit in the bunkroom closet. Towards that end, we purchased 40 feet of wire shelving and started sorting fabric. Each piece of fabric was refolded around a 6.5 inch ruler to have them uniform width for stacking. Pieces smaller than 1/2 yard or things with odd shapes such as recycled clothing are in boxes awaiting the set up a scrap stash user's system. Way too many boxes of scraps, but paring a stash down can be a painful slow process. Once we started sorting I realized Mom had moved almost all of some colors of fabric, and her room in Sulphur was crowded. So I suggested she move all yardage back here, and periodically come and chose what she needs for a month or so's worth of sewing. She came yesterday with her car full of boxes. We folded and sorted all afternoon. I woke up early this morning and got through another 2 boxes. Now there are only about 3 1/2 boxes of yardage left to sort....and some to move out of the bunkroom closet....and the box of her doted fabrics......and the flannels....and....
But it really is looking like we will fit everything in once we put up some more shelves. And it will be visible for easy selection and use. The Stash room will have a cutting table in it as well, and probably an ironing board too. Here are pictures of the project:

Here is where we sort by color. On the end of the shelves are some larger pieces for backing that will probably end up in the closet.

This shelf unit holds the multi-color florals (bottom 2 shelves), and stripes as well as some plaids, "country" prints and fruit prints. The paper boxes stacked next to these shelves are full of solid color fabric which i will also, sort fold and shelve in it's own area.

These 3 boxes are left to sort, so yes, I will have some yellows and oranges to work with but may need to buy some if needed for a particular project.

These two picture show what is presently in the "bunkroom" closet. Definite progress as it was packed full before Mom moved.

This shows one side of the Stash room closet. Top shelf is large pieces for backings, next 2 shelves are things yet to be refolded and sorted. How many striped blues do we need?! I don't know what is in those bottom boxes....

This is the other side of the Stashroom closet. Those 2 boxes on the lower shelf are "southwestern" prints. The other 2 shelves have some sorted smaller pieces of fabric. Eventually I would like to see all FQ-1/2yd pieces folded and sorted by color in clear, shallow, covered bins.
Of course I probably ought to move my yardage over here too and do like Mom is going to and just bring enough for a current project of two into my sewing room....
I need to start selling quilts in an Etsy store or other online store site. I could call my business Mom's Scrappy Stash Quilts.