So I have been busy...what's new? Ginger made a little quilt top and had me quilt it for her...she told me what to do in each area. This was not done on Lizzie but on my regular sewing machine

I think the feathers turned out rather nice and they are small, as you can tell in the following picture:

After a busy week and weekend I spent the next week wishing I could just stay home but still had too many activities . But I did manage to get some quilting done. First I had a top from Guild community projects, a simple large 4-Patch alternated with muslin squares. Fabrics choices were, shall we say, interesting. I would not have used fall colors green and pink together, but someone was using up leftovers. Anyway I quilted an all over design which haven't named, with green thread to break up that big expanse of muslin. After quilting I bound it with green and added a pink piping to help tie the blocks together. Once it was finished I liked it.

Next I quilted a top to be given to one of the members of the family moving into the new Habitat for humanity house when it is finished. This quilt just needed the design on the fabric outlined and then I quilted sign shapes in the border.

Lastly I quilted another for Community Projects. I like this one much better. Scrappy half square triangles with strategically places white/cream triangles. I decided to do an allover freehand design that I think I will call meandering flourishes. It was fun and fast to do

and you can really see teh quilting well on the back of the quilt.

Yesterday was community projects day and I turned in my finished quilts, but I came home with lots more than I left with in the morning. 2 more quilts for Habitat house (one queen size!), 2 more for tops for Community projects, and 2 sets of blocks for community projects, one of which I have already sewn into a finished top and I think I will quilt it next! The other set of blocks is all arranged on the design wall and should only take a couple of hours to get sewn together . But the most exciting news is I also brought home 2 quilts to quilt for someone who will be paying me to do them.